God in the Little things

With a name like Prarthana (which means Prayer in Hindi), 'prayer' is something I tend to think about often. It is one of those things that transcends most religious, and cultural barriers. Most people have no issues praying for the more generic, widespread things - like World Peace, Hunger relief, End to Poverty, Healing for the sick (both personal, and general in this case) etc. Some go a step further and pray for more specific things - Job security, better housing, a promotion, good grades etc. The truly spiritual will pray for even more specific, truly personal things - That God's Will is done, Spiritual growth, supporting missions, etc.

All of the above are good, noble prayers and as Christians, should be part of our prayer life. However, this year God has introduced me to a whole new dimension of Prayer - "Little things". The little things that don't really matter, and probably have no global significance whatsoever, the things that are special only to me, making Him real only to me. It came in the form of a friends, who without me asking, planned for a specific transportation route which allowed me to attend the Passion Conference Church service in Phillips Arena, or friends who suddenly decided to go to the Winter Jam this year in Atlanta, at a time that worked for me as well and I was able to see performances by Newsboys, David Crowder, Plumb and so many other musicians I have loved over the years. It even came in the form of the admissions department at my University who decided to give out free Mercer Cups as a 'Thank you' to all Mercer students, the day after I walked by the same cup in the bookstore wishing I could afford to buy that Mercer Cup. Would my life have been harmed had I not been given these blessings? Probably not. In truth, when I prayed for these things I felt a bit silly, like I was asking too much - a spoiled child who already had the three scoop ice cream sundae, covered in chocolate sauce and was now asking for the cherry on top. Why God should give it to me is beyond my understanding. And yet He did. And I feel all the more special because of it. I feel like eating that big ice-cream sundae with the biggest smile on my face, walking down the street, past everyone else saying, "Isn't my daddy the best?!" It makes me feel like somehow, insignificant as I am, my Father God, the one who made the Heavens and the Earth, the one who knows where that missing Malaysian Airlines Flight is, the one who knows how to bring about perfect Peace in the World, or permanently eradicate World Hunger/Poverty problems, cares about that little thing that brought a smile to my face that day. 

"I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well....How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you" - Psalm 139. 14, 17-18  (NIV)


  1. Nice one Prarthana. We do need to pray for the little things in life, they add a so much flavour and joy. It's an encouraging read.


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