
Showing posts from April, 2010

Random, as always.

So it occurs to me that there are some sayings in life that aren't really totally true. Like the one that says 'Actions Speak louder than Words'. This one isn't false or anything but it just isn't true - totally and completely. Imagine a world where no one says anything but we all just did things. I mean wouldn't that be sad? Ok so I'm only thinking in a romantic sense at this point. I mean as it is the guys that we like will use any excuse to not talk about their feelings etc. but with this one phrase they all feel like they have a license to do what they want and never talk. I'm not saying regular talking I mean the real heart to heart in depth conversations about life, the future, relationships etc. Of course its also good that they do romantic things for us and not just talk. But the talking has to be there also - doesn't it? Their excuse always is that - "at least I act like that way so isn't that enough? why do I have to say the words?...